Monday, November 7, 2011

Life is a Four-Sided Triangle

In Kindergarten we are taught that triangles have three-sides, no more and no less…

Somewhere before third grade we are taught that all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares…

It has taken almost 30 years to come to this conclusion, but I've learned that learned that the four-sided triangle can be the most amazing thing in the world…

A four-sided triangle occurs when two triangles share a single one of their edges. In many ways it's a metaphor for how relationships begin and morph over time. It all starts by two triangles that decide to share a portion of themselves with another.

For the past year my amazing girlfriend (and best friend…) and I have spent commuting between the three places we call home; San Francisco, Menlo Park / Palo Alto, and San Jose. Balancing our careers with our relationship with our family & friends with our adventures & travel had hit a critical crossroads. We had become lost in the nebula that is the Silicon Valley.

After 10 years of working my dream job at a Cupertino-based tech company it was time to start a new adventure. When you're heads-down in a Silicon Valley career often the little things go neglected and unappreciated. Chrissy and I spent most of this past year figuring out how to piece everything together in our lives but the thing which stood out most was the realization that I needed a career break. Giving notice of resignation at a job I loved so much has been incredibly hard and something that continues to be an internal struggle. These concerns are put to rest knowing that it's the best decision for the path ahead.

There's a point in your life that you feel the need for a timeout. If you feel that way more than once per week, there's probably something to it.

Balancing life between the three corners of our Silicon Valley Triangle isn't going to be easy but I couldn't imagine a better partner to be navigating these unknown waters with.

Drive Fast, Take Chances…




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